Hey Dig Around, My Site!

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Me going through Mental Overload

Hey folks, I have been a very busy beaver the last couple of days! Three posts in two days (Monday and Tuesday of this week) … Please feel impelled to go through the last few posts or take a look at my classic collection of prior posts. Just scroll down the first page and below are 15 0r 16 great posts for your perverse pleasures. Can’t explain why the home page keeps replicating but there is a unique post above each pic O’ my hound Veda. Over and over again…. I will be back on Friday with a new post. Even the idiot savant must rest a couple of days now and again! Posts include NASCAR, Chronic Pain, Supreme Court Neanderthal Clarence Thomas, Kars4Kids and the fake online reviews being used to improve business ratings. Good stuff!! Comments always welcome!