Oh my, would you look at Vlad? What a hunk of man and feast for the eye’s ladies! Aww, too bad that socialist “radical far left” Communist MOFO is so mean. Dinner better be on the table in the Putin household OR ELSE. In the photo above I can imagine Putin hunting wild game and killing it with his own bare hands. Or perhaps old men, women and children instead? This conqueror/barbarian is destroying freedom loving Ukraine, that pest next-door. He must enjoy snuffing out democracy loving people. Just look at the wholesale slaughter of human beings Putin is engaged in today. Murder, rape and pillaging of Ukraine. All done before the morning hunt each day. All so rational.
What is driving this blood thirsty savage? In eastern Ukraine there are vast energy resources. Ukraine is a strong and vibrant democracy, thus a threat to his dictatorship. Possibly, it’s the vast fields of grain that feed such a huge portion of the world. Adding Russian wheat to Ukrainian wheat results in control of over 26% of the entire world supply! Can you imagine the potential of this dictator deciding who eats and who doesn’t? You’re my friend or my hungry critic. Or maybe it’s only to consolidate his theft of Crimea.
Hold on a second, I remember now. Putin says it’s all about de-Nazification of Ukraine! Led by President Zalenski a Jewish man whose relatives died at the hands of the Nazis. Ukraine’s a place where real elections are held with multiple viable hopefuls and the losers leave office graciously. You will find no Gulags, no Gestapo, no suppression of speech. Ukraine where there is tolerance for dissent and freedom of the press. A home for citizens who do not fear their Govt and trust the judicial system. Maybe we could learn something from Ukraine? Putin wouldn’t lie, would he? Ukraine a Nazi state! That MUST be it….
A bit about the Trump family and Hunter Biden and Papa Joe and the infamous laptop. That laptop had a couple of emails that are questionable for sure. Hunter may have tried to peddle a meeting with a connected Ukranian and Papa Joe. A subsequent email seemed to suggest that no meeting was going to happen. Maybe Joe said no. Maybe Hunter Biden thought better of it. There is nothing to indicate that ANY meeting ever did occur. So just what is Papa Joe guilty of?
This country requires a burden of proof to bring a criminal case against someone. Before a jury convicts, prosecutors must prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, then the Jury decides. Someday, prosecutors may bring an inditement against Hunter Biden and someday a jury may convict him. Then I will say that he deserves it. But to extrapolate this conspiracy theory into a hunt to find evildoers doing evil is a real stretch. To convict Papa Joe through guilt by association in the court of public opinion looks desperate. This smells of Rudy Fooliani. For good reason. Look who’s behind this.
Let me talk a bit about profiting off of elective office. Didn’t Ivanka baby and Big Daddy Donald get a butt load of trademarks from China while in he was in office? To sell baby blankets and coffins?? Now THAT’s funky and sleazy and unethical! The trifecta. Or how about those senators and their families doing insider trading off of the pandemic and profiting handsomely. Senators say coincidence. Prosecutors should say corruption. Oh, then there’s that whole bugaboo regarding Trump shaking down the President of Ukraine for bullshit dirt on Papa Joe? Political mud to sling is priceless and a thing of real value! Can you say IMPEACHMENT? That was no conspiracy theory, that was on tape. Trump said it didn’t even have to be real. Zalenski, just say it! Just SAAAY it!